Wednesday, July 7, 2010

as I wandered in

Friday night 07/02 and I'll cruise DT and meet and ex-neighbor to have a couple of drinks and check another old friend on stage tonite, Bobby Bookout.

Like I have said before (and recently) you wander into a new place or an old favorite and you will be bound to find something different and great here in Austin. Tonight it was different and great! Found a new band based out of El Paso/L.A., Tommy Mora ( ). GD what a good night!

Tommy Mora and his group pulled out a sound that I haven't heard in an Austin club, say short of Antiones and touring band blowing through! Completely rocking sound, a harder edged Santana, or a latin power sound that will refuse to let you sit in your seat the whole time they are on stage (Hell I never sat down myself)! Decent crowd, both in size and attitude, cause everyone there was enjoying the performance thoroughly.

Now because these cats are from L.A. via El Paso, and after speaking with the bass player it seems like the rest of you are just gonna have to check out his MySpace music page (follow the link I provided above) to see if and when we, here in Austin, will be lucky enough to have them cruise through again. No matter what, remember the name and enjoy his game because Tommy Mora is some serious shit. Find him in L.A., out on the road, in El Paso, wherever you can find him and enjoy  some great rockin sounds, I did and so did everyone else tonite.

All of you here now about my friend Bobby Bookout ( ), just had the CD release party and now he's is back grinding it out on stage. Somehow the moniker "the ULTIMATE date band" music seems to be sticking (nice to here other people make this reference before, during, and after the performance). And this is a great thing....Hell, I HOPE I'm gonna have the pleasure of taking a beautiful woman to one of Bobby's shows sometime soon. Still just fun, fun, FUN...has the edge to make you enjoy, lyrics that are striking and have you singing chorus' that you didn't know you knew....and OOOHHHWEEE he can make the women get up and groove it out. Swear to ya Bobby, when I go out on my next first date you damn well better be playing, cause THAT is the first impression I want to make.


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