Saturday, September 10, 2011

Joy and pain!

Fremen CD release party at the One2One. With joy and celebration there can be tears and pain. God bless Gregg and the staff at One2One. No one was physically hurt, but I know there are quite a few people that had this sadness mark them.

The One2One was burglarized in the early morning hours after the CD release party for the Fremen.

an open letter to an asshole:

You suck and you know it. You are a scumbag, piece of shit and you will get caught! One way or another, this piece of criminal activity or something else, you will get caught. and yes you know it would be best if law enforcement got you and not the crowds of people that you hurt with this activity. You can't make up for this you can't apologize, and you can't make it right. Just go away and die, or at the minimum, take your ass back to San Antonio or Houston!


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