Saturday, September 11, 2010

Love That Chicken

Our heroes, icons, legends, and those people we look up to, when you see them out and about doing everyday , normal human things it is oddly humbling and awe inspiring at the same time. You see that person onstage or on television and then you see them in public at a fast food restaurant you just can't shake off the amazement. You even do silly things in your mind to justify that "it can't be!", but you know it is.

So here I sit in a Popeye's Fried Chicken on Wm Cannon with my two sons. We are having some dinner and enjoying the moment, as the three of us haven't hung out together in over a year. I see this man walk in and knew instantly who it was. There is only ONE person in the entire city of Austin (or really anywhere for the truth of it) that looks like him. It stopped my conversation cold and dead in its tracks with the boys. Stephen is 19 and while Billy is 11 and the both stared at me in a curious manner.

"Oh my god...that's Malford Milligan!" ( ) and quicker than hell turned to both of them and said, "SHUT UP! Do not say you don't know who that is." Of course the response anyway was "Who?". Arrrrggghhhhh! I just felt my heart break, did you feel it too? Dammit, I suck, I can't believe that my sons have been raised in one of the GREATEST music cities in the world and here before us was undoubtedly one of the greatest blues singers and amazing guitarists our fair city has had the pleasure to call it's own.

The humiliation set in...OK I am over it! After he ordered his food (while I kept shhhsssshng the boys) I waited. Then the opportunity came up as he strolled over to a booth to wait for his food. I, ever so smoothly' (like that of a giddy twenty something Mike Dill seeing Justin Beiber) and loudly stated "Has anybody ever told you that you look just like Malford Milligan?" [in my Homer Simpson voice] DOH!! I can't believe I just said that! WHAT A FUCKIN DORK!

He turned with a huge smile on his face, while replying to my idiocy, "That's because I AM Malford Milligan." Woo Hoo, Jackpot! Ahhh now on to the next stupidest thing in the world to say, "I am a huge fan Mr. Milligan!" (again with the stupidest shit you could say to an icon and a musical hero of yours) he hasn't heard that shit a MILLION times before. I then gushed about seeing him at Antoines "yeah I hang out there alot." and seeing him at Blues on the Green.

I introduced my boys and then did the last and stupidest thing of all.....yes! I name dropped. OHHHHH what an idiot I be. You know, in working with these bands I follow and in meeting new people ALL the time, you would think I know better. HA! I guess I am human too, LOL! None the less, it was wonderful to meet him and of course he was the nicest, most amicable people you would ever meet. Didn't get my picture with him (wanted too) and didn't tell him I am a writer, but I still met him....and YES! I will forward the link for this blog to him. In hopes of being invited to a show, meet him again on a professional level, and see another great performance!

Love That Chicken from Popeyes!!!


P.s. - BTW the name I dropped was Overlord, of course! Ask me about it and I'll tell you what Malford said.

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