Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dysfunkshun funkin Junkshun

These cats have been swingin it and movin the crowd for a few years now. If you are reading this blog and are being introduced to the concept of Dysfunkshun Junkshun ( for the first gotta get out sometime soon and live in this great city we call "The Live Music Capitol of the World"!!!!

The Funk was funky. If you dont think you can dance, don't like to dance, don't like to smile, don't like to sing along, and generally are just pissy then fuck it! Got to one of these performances and you will! All of the will! I did and I am sure it was painful for other people to watch me 'dance', but it was good times for all in attendance.

So....check out Dysfunkshun Junkshun at Speakeasy or Cool River Cafe anytime throughout the year (the bands web page has an awesome calendar of performances)


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