Walking in the doors of Texas Mist (https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Texas-Mist-Live-Music-Venue-1115-Old-Bastrop-Road-Atx/790417254426441?hc_ref=ARRYd4yQHZAmBDx7X-PJYXGh5Bt4AKucKzQErj3uVk4Nn3TSYAgFTxq81bhRlnj1WW0) for the first time... is like this... remember that hall... You know the one your dad or grand dad used to go to... the VFW Hall... yeah that one. It's like that, kind of, but the music is wayyyy better and the bartender doesn't smell like coffee and Vicks Vapor Rub.... and yes, I tried to sniff him and he wasn't haven't none of that shit.
Texas Mist for the most part is just a big open room. You walk in the door and the bar is immediately in front of you to the left. The bathrooms are farther back as well as an exit to go out back for smoking or hanging out. To your right is the open area and the stage, which faces the bar. Lots of tables scattered around with a mix of seating.
There were several bands on the bill this evening. I caught the last few songs of one band and the entire set of the next band. Both were good, but there was little love from the crowd for there respective performances. So little, in fact, That I am done with blogging about their performances.
Now, Before I get into the review of the headliners performance let me talk another paragraph about the sound. As a fan of Austin music I am all about the performance, the impact, and the venue. The venue plays a large portion of any show, because if the club sucks or something about it, that will taint your night and impact your impression of the band(s). The sound here was pretty terrible. There was a blown speaker that kept making a popping noise all night...annoying. The sound person that evening acted like she could have given two shits less than nothing for being there or the bands on stage, super annoying. There was no urgency or hustle in anything she was doing. Worse than that to me, is a great that seems to be a great disrespect to the bands who are performing and the crowd that is paying, FUCK NO!
On with the show.

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