What I would call your typical Texas dance hall. Unassuming on the outside, located RIGHT next to the RR tracks, and parking that makes it just as fun to get there as it is to leave. Cheatham St has those low slung ceilings inside, and is a long, somewhat narrow, but boxy venue. With the stage on one end and seating directly in front of it as well as along the sides, this makes for a small two stepping area, but I am sure the tables can be slid back to make room for some serious dancing fun. There are some pool tables in the back and the bar runs along the side next to the entrance. This set up makes for some awkwardness when a band is fired up, the place is jumping, there is a line at the bar, and then folks are filtering in. The sound is good so there is not a bad seat in the house if you came to listen.

I had the pleasure of hanging out with the guys from the Cody Bryan Band for a pre-show dinner. They really are a fun group of young men. All of them are really down to earth, normal guys with daily life struggles. Girlfriend drama, not having a girlfriend drama, money, and just trying to make it happen. Eating at Alvin Ords there in San Marcos was a treat, and there were laughs to be had all around. The band even had time to stop and admire an advertisement for the show they were playing at that very same evening. The drummer took the time to make sure all those who pass that poster there after would know who was performing at that gig!
The Cody Bryan Band (http://codybryanmusic.com/main.php) definitely have their eyes on the prize and are really aiming for the big time. All those who have seen them previously know this and are hoping and wishing for that good fortune to find them. Hard working, playing every damn show they can turn a crowd for, and staying positive will at least generate them a legion of loyal fans that would make any group of musicians happy.
This evenings performance by the Cody Bryan Band was pretty spectacular. Seems like they did some new stuff and rocked out some old favorites. The Cody Bryan Band does do a good job of keeping the crowd centered and entertained with a mix of covers and originals. Cody Bryan himself even got naked this night on stage. That's right ladies...you missed it! Cody Bryan performed a song WITHOUT WEARING HIS GUITAR!
William Clark Green (http://www.williamclarkgreen.com/index.html) had the college crowd packing it in at Cheatham St Warehouse. It was a performance that did see some folks take a twirl and a swirl on the floor. I was terribly thrilled, a couple of songs into the set, when I realized I knew this music. Not quite the fast tempo of other modern country, but it was just right for this chilly night and the young crowd keeping warm. I found myself, along with the whole crowd, singing along about your chick liking The Beatles and you liking The Stones. What was fun (and more important) is pretty much all in attendance liked William Clark Green.
I look forward to being able to check out William Clark Green again with my girl, who doesn't like the Beatles or the Stones, but she loves her country music and I'm sure William Clark Green too!
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