I have gone on about the wonderfulness of the One 2 One (http://www.one2onebar.com/) many times previously, but you can't wait to get out and see it now. Their new, very bad ass, very comfortable, and very cool furniture is in place. The art is installed on the walls (ask about pricing) and the selection of local brew and custom liquor is sweet (or spicy in the case of the habanero tequila).
Live Music performances by legends, a legend, and performers from all walks
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
For whom The Belle Sounds
I have gone on about the wonderfulness of the One 2 One (http://www.one2onebar.com/) many times previously, but you can't wait to get out and see it now. Their new, very bad ass, very comfortable, and very cool furniture is in place. The art is installed on the walls (ask about pricing) and the selection of local brew and custom liquor is sweet (or spicy in the case of the habanero tequila).
Sunday, February 16, 2014
The coolest man ON THE PLANET
Dale Watson and his Lonestars (http://dalewatson.com/index.htm) BAR NONE! Have you met him? Have you seen him perform live? I have, I am proud to say I have and I will go see him again and again. Just like some of my other local Austin music artist friends (whom I love dearly as friends, associates, and musical performers) Dale is worth following and talking about all the time.
I saw Dale do a set for the first annual Dia de los Muertos (http://livemusicinaustin.blogspot.com/2013/10/dia-de-los-muertos-austin-2013.html) at Fiesta Gardens. Although that was awesome, there are no bones (pun intended) about his performance at The Broken Spoke (http://www.brokenspokeaustintx.com). I recently had dinner there and saw a really nice performance by Lohman's Crossing (http://livemusicinaustin.blogspot.com/2014/02/sounding-better-than-taste.html),but this night was in the dance hall.
Here, being what I would call a typical Honky Tonk dance Hall, is where all the magic happens. The Broken Spoke dance hall is deceivingly HUGE! The dance floor is in typical fashion is long and narrow. Wide enough to make the turn in front of the stage when you are dancing, and then down the stretch. Lots and lots of seating on the left and right sides, front to back and I mean LOTS of seating. The stage is, of course, located at the opposite end of the dance floor from the entrance. So when you walk in, it is nothing but an intimidating sight to behold. A packed dance floor, with a sea of swirling bodies in full speed rotation, and a band somewhere, wayyyyy down at the end.
For Dale Watson and his Lonestars, I have no doubt they feel completely at home and comfortable rocking the house on that stage with it's SUPER, low slung ceiling. So low, in fact, that if the bass player extended the bottom of his bass, it could stand up by itself, floor to ceiling.
So Here I am with this huge crowd, taking turns two stepping with Ms Cruz and then my camera. It is a hellified site to see. The great thing is this is a performance everyone can see damn near weekly, as The Spoke is one of two places that I believe Dale would call home here in Austin.
About that performance. It is proof that Dale crosses every damn generational line and racial lines don't exist. As I stood there and had the chance to pay attention, it was proof in seeing everyone dancing with everyone. It is such a good time to be had by all in the most literal translation. I would see someone take a spin on the floor for one song and then the very next song there they are again, but with a different person. Old and young, Dale Watson and his Lonestars IS every persons good time band!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
"Fat Bottomed girls,
Freddie Mercury - Queen
and Stateside at the Paramont (http://www.austintheatre.org/site/PageNavigator/venues/state) along with the Fat Bottom Cabaret (http://www.fatbottomcabaret.com/) presented us with
Midnight Menagerie: Love Hangover

Sounding better than the taste
The Broken Spoke (http://www.brokenspokeaustintx.com/) seems almost out of place now. With the sprawl of apartment developments engulfing it on either side.
Yeah, that little, bitty, red spot with the tree next to it...The Broken Spoke. God Bless them, and never let them move it! EVER!
I went to have dinner with Ms. Mariza Cruz and happened to pick a night when Lohman's Crossing was performing. I like dinner and music, especially good music, performed well. It provides something other than the clink of dishes and the drone of others conversations. If you are lucky, and the band is very good (like Lohman's Crossing), then there is always conversation to be had about this song, or that one.
I can not say that this was the best chicken fried steak, I can say that we were over charged by a waitress who pretty much didn't give a crap (not the word I wanted to use). I would rather think of it this way, I would have rather paid that tab for the drinks and the band, not the food and service that night. Sorry! It pains me to be a dick, but I am also not going into detail because I am not a food critic. I am a normal guy, that works for a living and when I go out I want to enjoy my company, where I am at, THE MUSIC, and get what I paid for.
Back to the band. Lohman's Crossing (http://www.lohmanscrossing.com/) is fronted by a voice (Lefty Rainbolt- that's right, Lefty) that I would say is pretty much perfect for the country, Americana, southern rock style this quintet does. When you have that much talent on one stage you don't really need amplification or drums. They did it all with guitars and mandolins, fiddles and a squeezebox, and seamless enough for you not to care or notice the change ups. In the hour and a half we hung out there at the restaurant portion of the Spoke, I heard damn near everything I could want to hear. Go to their web page and read up on their repertoire yourself.
Like I said earlier, in between bites and our own humble conversation, both Ms Cruz and myself were kept entertained with Lohman's Crossing. It made it all go down that much smoother. Next time I am purposefully finding something to eat in Austin or the central Texas area, and want music with my food, I will look for Lohman's Crossing to keep it sounding as good as I can taste!
Monday, February 10, 2014
Have you Been? Well I have...
What I would call your typical Texas dance hall. Unassuming on the outside, located RIGHT next to the RR tracks, and parking that makes it just as fun to get there as it is to leave. Cheatham St has those low slung ceilings inside, and is a long, somewhat narrow, but boxy venue. With the stage on one end and seating directly in front of it as well as along the sides, this makes for a small two stepping area, but I am sure the tables can be slid back to make room for some serious dancing fun. There are some pool tables in the back and the bar runs along the side next to the entrance. This set up makes for some awkwardness when a band is fired up, the place is jumping, there is a line at the bar, and then folks are filtering in. The sound is good so there is not a bad seat in the house if you came to listen.

I had the pleasure of hanging out with the guys from the Cody Bryan Band for a pre-show dinner. They really are a fun group of young men. All of them are really down to earth, normal guys with daily life struggles. Girlfriend drama, not having a girlfriend drama, money, and just trying to make it happen. Eating at Alvin Ords there in San Marcos was a treat, and there were laughs to be had all around. The band even had time to stop and admire an advertisement for the show they were playing at that very same evening. The drummer took the time to make sure all those who pass that poster there after would know who was performing at that gig!
The Cody Bryan Band (http://codybryanmusic.com/main.php) definitely have their eyes on the prize and are really aiming for the big time. All those who have seen them previously know this and are hoping and wishing for that good fortune to find them. Hard working, playing every damn show they can turn a crowd for, and staying positive will at least generate them a legion of loyal fans that would make any group of musicians happy.
This evenings performance by the Cody Bryan Band was pretty spectacular. Seems like they did some new stuff and rocked out some old favorites. The Cody Bryan Band does do a good job of keeping the crowd centered and entertained with a mix of covers and originals. Cody Bryan himself even got naked this night on stage. That's right ladies...you missed it! Cody Bryan performed a song WITHOUT WEARING HIS GUITAR!
William Clark Green (http://www.williamclarkgreen.com/index.html) had the college crowd packing it in at Cheatham St Warehouse. It was a performance that did see some folks take a twirl and a swirl on the floor. I was terribly thrilled, a couple of songs into the set, when I realized I knew this music. Not quite the fast tempo of other modern country, but it was just right for this chilly night and the young crowd keeping warm. I found myself, along with the whole crowd, singing along about your chick liking The Beatles and you liking The Stones. What was fun (and more important) is pretty much all in attendance liked William Clark Green.
I look forward to being able to check out William Clark Green again with my girl, who doesn't like the Beatles or the Stones, but she loves her country music and I'm sure William Clark Green too!