So as I looked back on the blog from 2012 it was actually pretty damn sparse. I didn't make a whole lot of shows. However, there was a pretty wide variety in what I did see. Excluding the touring bands that came through Austin, here are my picks from 2012 as must see bands for 2013....and lets see what excitement and new things come to fruition in 2013!
RapCore/HardCore/Metal -
The Dirty Wormz
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Twitter - @dirrtywormz

WHAT! Are you surprised? Are you fucking kidding?! This is your favorite rock bands rock band! I still contend that the Wormz should be nation wide. Touring the big venues and spreading The Viruz ALL OVER THE WORLD! If you haven't been to a show, GO! Performance wise they are at the top of my list for live performances in Austin. The energy, the performance, the show, the music. The Dirty Wormz have got the formula and the package. It is a spectacle to behold when you go, and go you must!
Cover Band/R&B/Funk/ -
Les & The Funk Mob
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Twitter - @FunkMobATX
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Definitely the hottest All-Star act/band to see. This group is BUSTING AT THE SEAMS with talent. Every single member of this group has got a music resume that would drop your jaw and make many other local musicians green with envy. The huge catalog of what they perform is astounding, and the bad ass ability that Les & The Funk Mob does it with is very impressive. This is the band you take a date to when you really want to dance and have a great time. Whether or not you can dance, you will be on the floor with EVERYONE else in the house!. If you have a large group and want to make it an evening that they wont forget, be the hero and head to one of The Funk Mobs shows.
HipHop/Rap -
MC Overlord
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Twitter - @MCOverlord
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Another "R U KIDDING ME?" remark here! This is THE godfather of Austin Hip Hop, PERIOD! BAR NONE! He does it better than anyone else and doesn't need a wall of awards to prove it (but that wall of awards is pretty bad ass!) The thing about an Overlord performance, is that he blows your mind with the way he flows and the way he moves. I think that a friend of mine put it out the the best "I like him because he's positive." True that! Hear is the deal with an Overlord performance, you never know who is gonna join him onstage. It could be anyone from the live music scene in Austin...ANYONE! So you really should get to a show and check it out. You won't be dissappointed, in fact you will leave with a story to tell and an "Oh my goodness you won't believe who I saw last night" to the folks in the office, family, and friends.
Blues, Rock, Latin, and Soul - DaHeBeGeBees
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Twitter - @dahebegebees
YouTube - http://youtube/YvkGeFnTrxw
These guys may border on the saying "words can't do them justice." The latin vibe, the rhythms, and the whole package all amount to a good time to be had by all. Definitively different and really bucking that 'Austin sound' that many other bands can get sucked into, absolutely lands them on the list of MUST SEE bands for 2013. They have a fun vibe and a rapport with the audience that is top notch.
There are SOOO many other bands that I have seen over the years that UNDOUBTEDLY deserve to be seen. The big point from me to you is this...just go out once a month (minimum), see a local band. We, the fans of local live music and residents of this amazing city, need to do our part in keeping the live music scene ALIVE!
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