Have I told you about
MoMo's (
http://www.momosclub.com/ )? Yes I have. Go check out the club. Albeit, this is probably the shittiest time of the year to hang out on any deck outside (unless it is 10:00 at night), it is still a gorgeous deck that allows a decent view of the stage across most of the deck.
Moonlight Social (
http://www.moonlightsocialmusic.com/#!__home ) mounted the stage at MoMo's opening for
EPMB. What caught my attention was the apparent age of the band members and a female lead singer? Not a rarity here in Austin (cause we have our fare share of great female singers), but not generaly in this twenty something age group.

When the music started and I heard this voice, I thought it was the reincarnation of Natalie Merchant...and she's not even dead! It is that sweet, soulful, husky voice. You see the lead singer then you hear her voice and it definitely makes you do a double take and then stare. Musically it was cute and would make you want to hold you gf's hand. The uptempo stuff was, well, uptempo. There is definitely a chemistry onstage with the lead singer and the guitarist/ male lead vocals that makes it fun to watch. The band as a whole really seems to be having a good time.
There is some polish that needs to be put on the live performance, but if these kids keep their heads on straight and keep that amazing voice front and center ...watch out. They may end up doing wonderful things.
Keep it up, look forward to checking them out again and watch them grow up and hopefully blow up!
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