One of THE MOST BAD ASS hardcore punk bands on the planet...KEGCHARGE...will be doing this gig.
Go! Feel the fire of life course through your veins for this one!
Live Music performances by legends, a legend, and performers from all walks
Friday, October 28, 2011
He Had bells...really!
Red Eyed Fly ( ) from the outside seems a little unassuming. It looks really small, but goes to prove that looks can be deceiving. With room inside for a pool table, a lounge by the entrance, stage in the back corner and a long bar on the side there is plenty of room here to check out a band and still have a conversation. Outback....HOLY SHIT! This place has got a GREAT area off of Waller Creek with a stage in the far back and a very decent side area for the crowd to watch shows.
Strolled on in with mijita on my arm to check out The Noble Prize ( ). These guys are a 3 piece relocated from Harlingen and bringing their own brand of music to the capital city. I hate to make comparisons to cause what I hear may not be what you hear. In fact when I commented on the sound to Mariza she kinda just stared at me (don't think she agreed), so I will leave it to you.
BUT DUDE, THEY HAD BELLS! That's right, marching band bells. I was very surprised. Don't think I have ever run into that one yet, so there is another first. Performance wise the sound, tempo, vocals, and music was very much on the mellow side. Not what I would pick for a Saturday to set it off, BUT during the week, during a happy hour I could chill out to this while having a beer. The lyrical content and song titles may be misleading, i.e. - "Nightmares", but then it's mellow with bells. It is as their ReverbNation page says and there FB page...Indie and alternative, great descriptors. Each part of the ensemble was solid, but as a whole they are still growing. I do believe the bass player said they have been playing together 1-12 months (the Lonestar may have my memory slightly off).
Give them a listen on the web, then check out a location and make your decision.
Strolled on in with mijita on my arm to check out The Noble Prize ( ). These guys are a 3 piece relocated from Harlingen and bringing their own brand of music to the capital city. I hate to make comparisons to cause what I hear may not be what you hear. In fact when I commented on the sound to Mariza she kinda just stared at me (don't think she agreed), so I will leave it to you.
BUT DUDE, THEY HAD BELLS! That's right, marching band bells. I was very surprised. Don't think I have ever run into that one yet, so there is another first. Performance wise the sound, tempo, vocals, and music was very much on the mellow side. Not what I would pick for a Saturday to set it off, BUT during the week, during a happy hour I could chill out to this while having a beer. The lyrical content and song titles may be misleading, i.e. - "Nightmares", but then it's mellow with bells. It is as their ReverbNation page says and there FB page...Indie and alternative, great descriptors. Each part of the ensemble was solid, but as a whole they are still growing. I do believe the bass player said they have been playing together 1-12 months (the Lonestar may have my memory slightly off).
Give them a listen on the web, then check out a location and make your decision.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
A Country affair
Kyle Fair and Music Festival happened the week of 10/14 - 10/16 at the Thunderhill Raceway ( ) in Kyle, TX. Allow the music fest only happens once a year, the race track is there year round. IF you like NASCAR, stock car racing, or loud, fast cars then go. Look them up on the net and check it out. I did not see any racing this particular evening, but the infield was being used for the musical performances.
With a nice stage set up and arrangement, this was perfect for that great, outdoor, seventies/eighties massive stadium concert feel. With over priced beers and mud on the ground how could you not help but have a good time.
Fred Andrews & Honeybrowne ( ) took center stage on a cool October evening and kicked up their heels. Fresh from a gig in Midland/Odessa (where they couldn't find any good sushi) they were happy and welcome to be back at home in Central Texas. With roots at Texas State and in Buda, TX they really were back at home.

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Teaching the is in!
Threadgills South ( ) is a freakin awesome location. On the corner there by down town, Congress/Barton Springs/Riverside, without being DOWN TOWN, this is as good as you wanna get. Next door to the historic and non existent Armadillo World Headquarters (and still retaining some of that charm) you can walk around the restaurant and check out many of the items saved before the tear down. Now this particular write up will focus on the Bier Garten outside and right on the street. With the fencing going almost all the way around the outdoor area, the street noise is almost all but non existent. When the band starts playing...yup! you are transported to that other world with the sounds and performance that take you away.
Mingo Fishtrap ( ) was the soul /sole performance this evening. With a long set and a short break they pretty much stomped on the Texas Thang with that Southern Sound and that Chicago brass all at the same time. Moving, uplifting, soul quenching, bluesy, and rocking all at the same time.
Here are the words of a 15 year old fan...
"They were 'flippin' amazing. They definitely had everyone moving in their seats and had the crowd dancing [to the beats]. There were old faces and new [young] faces [enjoying the music]. The young college kid and the older lady [really dancing up a storm down front]" after the front man demanded for some feet in the dirt or he would play the same lick ALL NIGHT LONG! Hell yeah!

Don't think I can or will add much more to that. If that doesn't make you wanna go see them or buy a CD then I guess you are dead and didn't read this to begin with!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Sweetest Sounds
Frank ( ) is a surprise all on it's own. Unassuming on the outside, tucked away on a corner of Fourth and Colorado, this place is pretty damn big on the inside. A decent little bar area as you step foot in the door with a single TV (be prepared to watch the game in really close quarters if you choose this as your stop). A little further in is a much larger lounge that vaults to a huge ceiling and a view of the balcony seating farther back in the restaurant. Overall a very cool atmosphere. I can't wait to actually go back and have a dog!
This particular night the lounge area was maneuvered to allow a standing crowd to enjoy some kick ass music! End Wave, Super Water Sympathy, and Eagle Pritchard Murray Band!
Super Water Sympathy ( ) was the jaw dropper of the night. With comparisons to AhhDell (sp? on purpose), the voice behind the mic (Ansley Hughes) really kinda shut everybody up and made us listen. It was an absolutely stunning performance! The band really had that full, clean, polished, and inspiring sound. Something that you would swear you are currently hearing on the radio. The performance, w/lead singer Ansley Hughes commanding the stage and your attention, really makes you want to see them to go big time and leave us in their dust. I am just happy to say that they performed here and got to see them early on...and it was awesome! This is one if those performances that would definitely make you go out the next time you hear they are in town.
Eagle Pritchard Murray Band , EPMB ( ) finished the night in their typical grand fashion. With a very nice sized crowd, many familiar faces, and tons of new ones, it was the great party time that you would only expect being at one of their shows. I hear and see that there is the addition of a trumpet player to their line up and I think it serves the band well. The set just consistently maintains to be one of the most fun ones you can go see. With the list of songs keeping the audience dancing and even new people singing along, you know it is a good time to be had. Over all it was a stellar performance that I have come to expect and one of the reasons I so love to go see them as often as possible. Go see for yourself and then agree with me.
p.s. - go check out the FB page for EPMB and look at some of the photos for their koozie contest. GREAT TIMES
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Up a tree without a mic
Baby A's ( ) is jumping into the live music game and it's not a bad idea. The location at 183 by the Arboretum is awesome! The parking is fantastic, the food is bad ass, the drinks are purple and great, AND the stage orientation is un-fucking-believable! Just outside of the patio, great access for the crowd to be up close and personal. You wanna sit down just inside of the patio, go for it because you can still here and see the band. Don't wanna jack with it, go sit inside, still plenty of seating there to enjoy a meal (or don't go on a night they are having a band).
Vallejo ( ) lit a fire outside on this particular night. Proud that they call Austin home for so many years now. Glad that I have had a chance to meet two of the brothers. They are gracious and amicable, courteous and kind. I have seen them perform several times and there is an unstoppable force behind them when they start rocking. Having a great time on stage with each other, calling fans out, calling up special guests. Vallejo plays their music, plays music that is known and MAKES it theirs. They do the rock thing like only Vallejo can do. Take some songs, make'm theirs with some Spanish lyrics mixed in and it only makes you want to smile and sing along.
AJ swinging from the scaffolding or a nearby tree is always a funny and entertaining sight. Make sure you are prepared to take the pics to throw on your FB page or shoot the video for YouTube. Omar is always laughing, playing around with the audience and winking at the girls (or at least I hope he wasn't winking at me!). The band as a whole puts on a show that makes for an unforgettable night.
This performance was no different, but was totally unique at the same time. In the small area designated for the stage, it was PACKED. Seating to stage left and people standing all around shows that Austin loves for these boys. Mi novia encantó la actuación y la banda tanto, declaró, "Oh Dios mÃo, mi grupo favorito nuevo!" I was proud and glad that I was able to create a new fan for the band.
AJ swinging from the scaffolding or a nearby tree is always a funny and entertaining sight. Make sure you are prepared to take the pics to throw on your FB page or shoot the video for YouTube. Omar is always laughing, playing around with the audience and winking at the girls (or at least I hope he wasn't winking at me!). The band as a whole puts on a show that makes for an unforgettable night.
This performance was no different, but was totally unique at the same time. In the small area designated for the stage, it was PACKED. Seating to stage left and people standing all around shows that Austin loves for these boys. Mi novia encantó la actuación y la banda tanto, declaró, "Oh Dios mÃo, mi grupo favorito nuevo!" I was proud and glad that I was able to create a new fan for the band.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
R.E.K. was in effect
Have I told you the story of the young man who liked to play music and write music and grew up to be one of the best musical story tellers around? Didn't think so! Not gonna...go watch E! True Hollywood Story and watch somebodies else's story, this is about Robert Earl Keen!
Antones ( ) IS home of the blues. Clifford did good. and apparently most everyone around knows it as well. I have enjoyed performances here that were beyond belief and excitement (The Scabs), that were for a good cause (H.A.A.M. Corporate Battle of the Bands), and full of fun (BoomBoxATX) as well as a few others along the way.
This place is so bad ass that Robert Earl Keen ( ) decided to have a big ol', 500 people, invite only, CD Release party for his newest brain child "Ready For Confetti"!
R.E.K. does exactly what seems formulaic for all folk, country artists...that VH1 storytellers thing. BUT this is not a bad thing. I personally like the artist to be on stage and telling me what they were thinking when they wrote a song, where it came from, why. The personalized performance is indicative of many shows for the bigger local guys. If I wanted to have them just play the music, then i would sit at home and play the CD loud.
This place is so bad ass that Robert Earl Keen ( ) decided to have a big ol', 500 people, invite only, CD Release party for his newest brain child "Ready For Confetti"!
The CD is what you and of course I would like, love, and expect from a Texas great. It moves from the rockin sounds to the country two stepping and have all of the musical swells in between,
R.E.K. does exactly what seems formulaic for all folk, country artists...that VH1 storytellers thing. BUT this is not a bad thing. I personally like the artist to be on stage and telling me what they were thinking when they wrote a song, where it came from, why. The personalized performance is indicative of many shows for the bigger local guys. If I wanted to have them just play the music, then i would sit at home and play the CD loud.
Robert does a masterful job of weaving his story with laughs and understanding for the audience. This talent really draws the crowd in. To see the crowd cheering, raising their beers in toast, and dancing to each song is an exciting time.
Someone in the crowd said this and I laughed but then thought about it holding true: the point of an encore is what...self gratification...ego boosting? You know they came to see you. We paid to see you (or bought your album. You know DAMN WELL that we ALL want to here that 1 song. Whatever it is...just tell us you are gonna get a beer/water/pee break, come back and rock that shit out. Play it for the love of the music.
R.E.K. did the 50 second break, the crowd cheered and yelled, and then he played a BAD ASS uptempo version of 'The Road Goes on Forever'! I left smiling and satisfied. It was 'Another Great Performance'.
112 Degrees in the shade
Hotteset damn day in history and I was outside. For those who weren't dedicated, stupid, or brave enought to do it. Here is a small taste of an Austin Hot Sauce Festival performance.
La Guerrilla (! ) is a no holds barred attack on your dancing shoes with that latin ryhtym and care free good time vibe. A blend of bilingual lyrics and world music puts this band square on the map for great times. Absolutely no question that hearing this music makes you want to dance and drink a cerveza or two.
Forget the heat, with this kind of music, a very decent brass section and even a fiddle(?) the band has the energy to pass the funk on to you and you will like it. Mijita was miserable in the heat but loved the music! On a cooler fall day or maybe at a club I look forward to checking out this band again. So if you are in a spicy, festive mood, look them up or check out a local festival. Chances are they will be there and performing with the spice of life.
For me and all of us in Austin,it is about the music the love of the music, the atmosphere and the pride and joy in the performances.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Dirty Dirty dirty
The Wormz, The Dog, and an bachelorette party. Just dirty, DAMN dirty! Of course I think that is the way we like it...CAUSE WE WERE THERE!
I hear that there are some pretty bad ass things in store for The Dirty Dog ( ). Go buy and check it out...stay a while drink a beer, leave a tip, and make your plans to do it again.
I gotta get my hands on some of his music to hear it and understand it, cause at The Dog, the sound was either over mixed or the cd they are rapping to is overproduced. That is not a slam on anyone at The Dog or on ARays's side, it is just difficult to absorb the live performance with the track playing in the background also. Another performance at another venue and I will let ya know.
The Dirty Wormz (!/DirtyWormz?sk=wall ) by now you should know these muthafuckas are a favorite of mine. If you like rock, hip/hop, metal, country, Brittany, or Dub Step...go see the Wormz. Without a doubt it is one of the most intense yet care free, hard core shows you could go see in Austin. To be that up close and inter connected to a band that should be playing the Erwin Center or venues larger is bad ass.
There is a small bit of a routine to start the show and end between there is some other choreographed drama. This just shows their dedication, however the in between is why you should go to live shows...THE UNKNOWN.
This night, play a shit load of new stuff (never before performed in front of a live audience) from their new upcoming album, their joint venture with Tech9, and cover tunes was INSANE. Front man Smackola was in rare form, completely cutting loose and dragging the performance in every direction. The band followed right along without a hesitation.

Heaven and the Meaning of Dreams
The Parish ( ) is nice to check out a show. Although the weird angled 'seating' on one side of the venue is...well...weird. Sure if you go to a show then go and enjoy the band, the performance, the show. Stand and deliver. For some of us old decrepit folks with bad backs and bad knees, sometimes you gotta sit. ANYWAY for just the purpose of seeing a show it is a place to be!
CD release parties are so fun. Not because they are a 'party' (which would actually be a novel idea) but because the artist celebrating the release of their most recent creation is usually in such a festive mood, the show is something above and beyond a normal performance.
With 3 bands on the list it was nice.
As far as the new disc, BINGO! It is great. No sophomore jinx here. The content is there, the sound is distinctly Harkrider and the Night Owls. A performance worth absorbing and a disc worth owning. Look for Ryan in one of his many incarnations as he has side projects seemingly all over the place. No matter how he is there, whether as Ryan Harkrider or with another band, it will be good music and a good time to go see.
CD release parties are so fun. Not because they are a 'party' (which would actually be a novel idea) but because the artist celebrating the release of their most recent creation is usually in such a festive mood, the show is something above and beyond a normal performance.
With 3 bands on the list it was nice.
Ryan Mars Band ( ) was up first. This is the second time I have seen this band since I wrote about their debut live performance some time ago. With an actual stage, sound system, and sound man behind a board...A HUGE WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. They even added a fiddle in the band...(isn't there a song by Alabama that says 'it ain't country music unless you got a fiddle in the band'?). Apparently time, rehearsals, and a few other shows have done them well. The band is clean and tight and they are really having a good time up on the stage. Some polishing on the lead vocals will really have them knocking it home. The front man, Ryan Mars, is doing a great job of interacting with the audience and calling out folks to get out on the floor and dance. If he really wants to make an impression, he should jump off the stage and do it himself. Grab a hottie out of the crowd and two step with her!
With some folks scootin around the floor during his set, you can tell the enjoyment factor is there. No Grammies yet and Nashville will have to wait, but you can see them now. If you like that new country sound you will be happy to kick your heels up with these guys. I would venture to guess that if they are still kickin it in a year the experience and time will have them headline some gigs and packing a few of our local, known the world over, establishments. Country will always be King deep in the heart of Texas.
Aimless Gun ( ) had there turn on stage this evening as well. I have harped and plugged about these guys for quite a while. If you are new to the blog, read past posts, if not GREAT, go to a show and tell them you read about them here...and make them buy you a beer (just kidding). I think these guys have everything in line and are ready to blow up. The music is perfect...the rock mix with a tiny tiny bit of country, the live sound is awesome, and their look is [sigh] good...dammit!
As for the music, with the blend and style of rock that they can easily meld over to a country twang, they have their bases covered. The live sound is just phenomenal based on the fact that they performed recently on a live radio broadcast and the sound was so seamless, you couldn't tell if it was live or if it was Memorex. And finally about the look, a friend of mine was introduced to theses guys at their CD release party in the recent past. The only thing she could say as she met them one buy one was "OMG! They keep getting prettier and prettier each time I meet a new one!" I would just like to see a couple of things that, IMHO, would possibly push them up even further or closer to that edge. Get a female lead to share vocals on a couple of songs. Loosen up on stage. I have seen them on a small stage where they are closer together and easier to interact...not! and seen them on a bigger stage and they are all over the place and having a great time. that shit all the time... if it's to cramped get off the damn stage and make all the world your stage. Use wireless if ya gotta.
AHHHH Ryan Harkrider ( ), what a fun fucking guy to go see. He really does do it all. For me this is a great front man to go see. The music and songs blend together, like it or not, he controls the music very tightly. He is all over the stage, having conversations with the audience, jumping off the stage, having special guests. RIGHT, this may not work for everyone and every type of music, but on my side of the fence it is so fun and cool and really does make you smile to see that interaction.

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Santana says...
Well, although great uncle Carlos is not a local act that you can go see on a whim or a cheap freakin show, he is an amazing performer!
First trip to ACL Live @ The Moody Theatre ( ). The new home to Austin City Limits...and it is very very nice. The venue is gorgeous, very much like a working museum of music history. Depending on the artist you are going to see and your verve for the band you may want to consider general admission floor. Reason being simply this, the seating is awesome! A great seat anywhere in the house, BUT if you want to experience the performance, live it, enjoy it, and dance to it...get a general admission ticket. Dancing in an 18x18 area that is your seat sucks.
The opening act this evening was Michael Franti and Spearhead ( ). The whole act was this fun kind of sound. Not really an island sound but something cool that tugged at you to sing along and dance. Front man Michael Franti also knows how to play to the crowd. Climbing off the stage and running through the audience and playing a song remotely from the mezz. Cant get much more exciting than not just performing a show but being part of the crowd at the same time.
The final song of the set was the radio hit 'Sey Hey', which I actually like. To bring it to a close, Michael invited some folks from the crowd onto the stage to dance during the final song. Very cool. Gotta give him props for being THAT interactive with the crowd.
Santana ( ) on the other hand was not all over the auditorium, but none the less wowed us with his extensive catalog. Performing for over 2 hrs was just exhilarating. From the opening songs and all of the uptempo beats, to the middle of the show where he dove into some of his classics, and then finally ramping it back up for a breath taking finale. Inviting the opening act back on stage for one song and then paying respect to S.R.V. with both words and a performance from guest drummer Chris Layton (HELL YEAH! check the photo below) is definitely the maximum entertainment you could expect or want from any show, much less Carlos effin' Santana. Lessons learned in that art of entertainment, performance, and showmanship. Also the creative use of your captive audience for your jabs at politics and gentle push of your beliefs. Carlos Santana is one of the last remaining icons of a long gone era of Marshall stacks, smoke filled performances, and day trips while you are still sitting there. Well done sir...well done!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The prequel to the One2One blog is this. The actual blog about the performances that night before the drama.
If you like hip hop and love live music, as opposed to a DJ infused performance, the dueling vocals with these guys is they way to go. The album may have that mellow feel, but the energy from the performance will carry you. So throw your blunts in the air and wave'm like ya just dont care!
Like I have said before, go to the One2One ( ) and support them, the time is right.
Michael Dillard ( ) was the special guest for this particular evening. He was great. It has been a while since I have since Michael perform, and by his own admission, he hasn't performed as often as we'd like, but here he was. Absolutely brilliant performance. The addition of the keys has really filled in the set well. It is danceable, singable, and totally likable...the music and the performance is just totally 'able.
From conversation it seems that the full length album is still in the works and coming closer to fruition. For now get your hands on an EP at a show or check out his website. It would be a great performance to sit and enjoy, might even put a smile on your face.
Fremen ( ) were the men of the hour. Talk about a phoenix rising from the ashes, with the release of this CD it solidifies what I said a year or more ago. This is absolutely the smoothest sound I have heard for hip/hop. The band is just rock solid during the live production. The interaction with the audience is very fun. They are not shy about rounding up special guests to jump up on stage and just knock your socks off.
I said that this was "Sunday morning hangover music" a while back. Well you know what, I was right! Pick up a copy of the CD at the next opportunity you get. The laid back vibe to the album is much like the sound you get live. Drop this shit in on a Sunday morning, after that banging Saturday night in Austin, and you will know it's true, the rhythm with the smooth vocal flow is just dynamite. Not to loud and brash for the pounding headache, but hellified good to make you get up and start movin around.
Joy and pain!
Fremen CD release party at the One2One. With joy and celebration there can be tears and pain. God bless Gregg and the staff at One2One. No one was physically hurt, but I know there are quite a few people that had this sadness mark them.
The One2One was burglarized in the early morning hours after the CD release party for the Fremen.
an open letter to an asshole:
You suck and you know it. You are a scumbag, piece of shit and you will get caught! One way or another, this piece of criminal activity or something else, you will get caught. and yes you know it would be best if law enforcement got you and not the crowds of people that you hurt with this activity. You can't make up for this you can't apologize, and you can't make it right. Just go away and die, or at the minimum, take your ass back to San Antonio or Houston!
The One2One was burglarized in the early morning hours after the CD release party for the Fremen.
an open letter to an asshole:
You suck and you know it. You are a scumbag, piece of shit and you will get caught! One way or another, this piece of criminal activity or something else, you will get caught. and yes you know it would be best if law enforcement got you and not the crowds of people that you hurt with this activity. You can't make up for this you can't apologize, and you can't make it right. Just go away and die, or at the minimum, take your ass back to San Antonio or Houston!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
That's MR. BOOKOUT to you!
I love the thought of hanging out in a place where everybody knows your name....WTF?!? wait a gd minute, that's a song from a show about a bar. Dammit, I am a fucking living cliche, ehhh, oh well!
One2One ( ) really is just the fuckin bomb when it comes to some of the best, hottest, newest music acts in Austin. Pick a night, go, take your beloved Fifi or Spot or whoever you furry four legged family member is and 'chill' (used loosely in the midst of a heat wave and drought) on the deck. Inside it's small and intimate and there is ALWAYS a great band playing. I could name some of them but then that would prove you haven't read any of my blogs. The bar staff is always on top of things and super attentive.
Fremen ( ) opened the show this evening and I will simply differ any comments about their performance for their CD release blog (That coincidentally happened at One2One also). The one comment I must make is the joy that appeared on stage when one of the lead vocalists (Father Rhyme) strapped on an acoustic guitar and proudly played along with the band for a cover that went particularly well.
MR BOBBY BOOKOUT ( ) is now happily married and settled down from the hectic start to his year. Appearing for the first time since his recent nuptials, I was personally worried that he might have lost some of his mojo!
HHEELLLL NO! This boy has come back a man! I believe the correct term would be that he came back "a hoochie coochie man"! The music was tight, clean, and just amazing. Missing his genius lead guitar player was stupid cause the great great Blake Atwell just tore shit up on guitar! The sound was strong and vibrant and had everyone moving and grooving along. This was a performance that was meant to be felt! The passion Bobby gives out on stage with his performance is worthy of the IMA award he recently received.
Take a date, make the next date, and don't regret missing one. Check his website for upcoming dates and just do it! By all means make sure you do it with a date, really, utterly, and totally worth it
One2One ( ) really is just the fuckin bomb when it comes to some of the best, hottest, newest music acts in Austin. Pick a night, go, take your beloved Fifi or Spot or whoever you furry four legged family member is and 'chill' (used loosely in the midst of a heat wave and drought) on the deck. Inside it's small and intimate and there is ALWAYS a great band playing. I could name some of them but then that would prove you haven't read any of my blogs. The bar staff is always on top of things and super attentive.
Fremen ( ) opened the show this evening and I will simply differ any comments about their performance for their CD release blog (That coincidentally happened at One2One also). The one comment I must make is the joy that appeared on stage when one of the lead vocalists (Father Rhyme) strapped on an acoustic guitar and proudly played along with the band for a cover that went particularly well.
MR BOBBY BOOKOUT ( ) is now happily married and settled down from the hectic start to his year. Appearing for the first time since his recent nuptials, I was personally worried that he might have lost some of his mojo!
HHEELLLL NO! This boy has come back a man! I believe the correct term would be that he came back "a hoochie coochie man"! The music was tight, clean, and just amazing. Missing his genius lead guitar player was stupid cause the great great Blake Atwell just tore shit up on guitar! The sound was strong and vibrant and had everyone moving and grooving along. This was a performance that was meant to be felt! The passion Bobby gives out on stage with his performance is worthy of the IMA award he recently received.
Take a date, make the next date, and don't regret missing one. Check his website for upcoming dates and just do it! By all means make sure you do it with a date, really, utterly, and totally worth it
Saturday, September 3, 2011
and the boys are growing up...
My first trip, and maybe my last, to beautiful Texas Music Theatre in San Marcos, Texas. The venue is gorgeous! Lots of room, cool ass balconies. Very, VERY much looks like a smaller version of the new Austin Music Hall.

No, they don't run back and forth like Angus (that would be a sight to see though - try it Zach, jk), but they are interacting with each other onstage more now than I have seen in the past and it's very cool. They don't have some high powered lasers or bad ass pyros, it's just good country/rock. It is just good to see and experience this band in a larger venue with room on the stage...they just fit!
The performance was top notch. If you haven't been to an Aimless Gun performance, you wouldn't know that it was new material or a new set list, but it is! I must say that they are definitely honing their skills creating a set list that both pleases the audience and they have fun doing . It shows in the performance and with the comfort they are showing on stage.
I have said it before...and will probably repeat this a few more times until they break nationally (it's coming)...if you haven't seen them yet go! You might be behind the curve as far as being a friend of the band, but fans a great, and they do this for the love of the music. Go out and see them.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A long way across the water
Here is another great reason to brave a mid week adventure to DT Austin. Go to work tired as shit the next day because you went out and saw some great live local music, NICE! You will usually not have the obnoxious crowd, just us older lecherous bastards having a drink, enjoying the music that our lovely little hamlet has to offer.
SO, here I am again at One2One ( ) and I am not complaining either. This guy on stage is so very awesome.
Karl Morgan (!/karlfmorgan ) Karl Morgan can do that fun uptempo rockin music with his very bluesy voice and then bust out into that slow blues jam that will leave you slightly breathless. I swear to god I had a damn Steamboat flashback siting there on the stool and listening. The bar, the sound, the warm Austin night air. Dammit Gregg you have succeeded in recreating it very well sir!
Karl and his three piece is very tight and clean, yet gritty at the same time. To watch him play the guitar is every bit as impressive as he sounds. He works the guitar from tuning pegs down.I bet this man loves his guitar so much he sleeps with it! His ensemble is good enough to make the fill, provide the rhythm, yet subtle enough to let Karl shine. With a set full of originals he is worth stopping in and getting the dirty fucked up part of your day at work to wash away! I know you will recognize the sound and you will feel your soul loosen up (just a little). If you are starved for that blues/Steamboat action, then bring your old tired ass here during the week. Gregg runs a mean sound the staff at the bar is sure to please too.
SO, here I am again at One2One ( ) and I am not complaining either. This guy on stage is so very awesome.
Karl Morgan (!/karlfmorgan ) Karl Morgan can do that fun uptempo rockin music with his very bluesy voice and then bust out into that slow blues jam that will leave you slightly breathless. I swear to god I had a damn Steamboat flashback siting there on the stool and listening. The bar, the sound, the warm Austin night air. Dammit Gregg you have succeeded in recreating it very well sir!

Friday, August 26, 2011
A pissed off white boy and the Doc
Dirty minds gather for dirty times and do dirty things at the Dirty Dog ( )!
Adam "ARay" and Doc Deuce handled up on a rowdy crowd one particular evening recently and it went a little something like this....
ARay ( ) deserves respect because he is an admitted Juggalo (as am I, but I wont admit it, HA!). What pisses me off about someone like ARay is that is is good. Really good! at what he does. The problem is that jack asses like me will invariably always compare him to that other pissed off white boy M&M (yeah I did that on purpose). On this particular night his rhymes where a little on the sloppy side and he sure as hell did not need the other MC on stage with him. Adam you can hold your own! It just felt sloppy and off pace. If he was nervous opening for this evenings headliner I can understand, but fix it.
DO NOT get me wrong, I liked him and I think there is much potential there. He performs for the crowd and really plays the part. You can feel his intensity and passion, which is fuckin awesome, and damn does this kid know how to promote himself. REALLY!!!
Check out either one of these two guys when you are ready for some good rap attack. Different styles, but great impact!
Adam "ARay" and Doc Deuce handled up on a rowdy crowd one particular evening recently and it went a little something like this....
DO NOT get me wrong, I liked him and I think there is much potential there. He performs for the crowd and really plays the part. You can feel his intensity and passion, which is fuckin awesome, and damn does this kid know how to promote himself. REALLY!!!
DOC DEUCE ( ) "once again its the incredible, rhyme animal!"
Love Doc, I think he is one of the most intelligent rappers around. Lyrics that are smooth with a flow that is like water...never ending, unstoppable, and (like a tsunami) will ultimately push you over no matter what you do! Tonite I was saddened as Doc was not performing with the full band. BUT with the amazing DJ Crash and Swizzy (sp?) living it up behind him. It was still very fun.
He is emphatic in his delivery. He is direct with his approach to the audience and he is verbally consuming with lyrical content.
Check out either one of these two guys when you are ready for some good rap attack. Different styles, but great impact!
Hot Sauce and Moonlight Social
Have I told you about MoMo's ( )? Yes I have. Go check out the club. Albeit, this is probably the shittiest time of the year to hang out on any deck outside (unless it is 10:00 at night), it is still a gorgeous deck that allows a decent view of the stage across most of the deck.

There is some polish that needs to be put on the live performance, but if these kids keep their heads on straight and keep that amazing voice front and center out. They may end up doing wonderful things.
Like winning contests and performing at the Hot Sauce Festival (!
Keep it up, look forward to checking them out again and watch them grow up and hopefully blow up!
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