Extensively put...I have known
Dave Prewitt for longer than I have known
Dave Prewitt. I have been in Austin and was watching public access television since the mid to late 80's. I remember this cool ass show that always featured all sorts of rock music. 20 years later, I am working with this same motherfucker I was watching on tv. 10 years later I am shooting photo and writing reviews of bands at the same shows he is. And now I go to a Festival in his name, donate at the door, spend my time and energy shooting the bands, and sit behind the computer screen to tell you all about it.
Doesn't matter about awards (although he was recently recognized as one of the top 10 live music photographers in the city), but there should be one in his name for his support of the live music, rock, punk scene in Austin for damn close to 40 years now. You should keep your eyes and ears open for
Dave Prewitt and
www.davetv.org . Nope, not getting paid for this, it's all my opinion - as it always is, so listen, donate, support Austin music.
DaveFest II was held at
Kick-Butt Coffee (
http://kickbuttcoffee.com/). A little more than your regular coffee shop. Along with a variety of coffees, they have food, beer, and music. Walking in the door reveals a pretty open space with different seating levels to your left, right, and to the back. The coffee bar is immediately in front of you on the left hand wall and the stage is immediately to your right. As I stepped in, the music was already going and the place was pretty damn packed. I found my way to Dave, said hello, unpacked my gear and enjoyed the first band.
Chasing After Alice (
https://chasingafteralice.com/) is comprised of female vocals, dual guitars, bass, and drums. Along the vein of modern rock/metal this young group of players opened up fast, loud and belted out their set to the joy of the crowd standing around.
Chasing After Alice had some family and friends in the house, but they were new to me and I loved them like everyone else in the space. It was a high energy set with one of the lead guitarist and bass player having such a good time interacting with each it made it great fun to be a part of the set in the crowd. The vocals were really good and fit the set and band perfectly. I can't say how long these kids have been together doing it, but I look forward to them hanging out on the scene for a while and making an impressive impact after many more live shows.
Izzy Cox and The Ghosts (
https://www.facebook.com/Izzycoxandtheghosts/) mounted the stage next. It was both a moving performance and a moving performance. If you don't know, lead singer Izzy Cox is in her battle with cancer, The proof of the love for this woman, her battle, and her music, is tattooed on the inside of Dave Prewitt's wrist..."Fuck Cancer"! Illness be damned, Izzy and her band knocked out her brand of Rock-A-Billy out of the park. It was funky and fun. Izzy's voice is high pitched and shaky, whether this is from her battle or her normal style, it worked fantastic with the music. The crowd on hand adored her and rocked out to her set. I, myself, was tickled to death to see such a powerful set from such a small and frail looking woman, putting on such a big sound and set! Much love and well wishes to Izzy Cox.
Scorpio Rising (
https://www.facebook.com/scorpiorising/). Ohhhhh shit!
Madame Scorpio, Wonderbred, and
Armando were at it again. With their brand of electronic dance/rock music, the Kick Butt Coffee space got funky real quick. Playing their exciting brand of music and having a dance contest during the middle of their set, during DaveFest, was not truly unexpected, but met with overwhelming crowd response.
Scorpio Rising is absolutely one of those bands you can't believe what anybody (myself included) states about the band, you just have to make the opportunity to see and experience them for yourself!
The Beaumonts (
http://www.thebeaumontstx.com/) were the absolutely mind blowing, jaw dropping moment of the evening for me. It was definitely a different swing in the musical direction from the previous bands. More Hony Tonk music stylings, than anything else,
The Beaumonts were not refreshing, they were just Fresh! Tongue in cheek, dirty stories within in their songs, girls giggling and blushing, dudes laughing out loud (myself included) dirty, filthy, brilliant music! The crowd swelled and made it supper difficult for me to get my up close shots, but I did. Then I got out of there, stepped back, and enjoyed one helluva fun set. I even called my wife and swore to hear I would take her to see
The Beaumonts perform the first opportunity we could get! People, this set was that fun. I challenge you to go and not catch yourself smiling, clapping, and enjoying this band!
The final band I saw this evening was
Killa MAUL (
https://www.facebook.com/KillaMaul/). A Metallica tribute band fronted by none other than Austin rock Demi-God Jason McMaster, lead vocalist and guitar. Of course I loved this set, metal is in my blood and will always be my first love of any music or live show. Seeing Jason McMaster and friends destroy the room with a much loved and iconic set of music, was ecstasy! Well, that might be a little over the top, but the blood pumping, fist in the air, singing the lyrics at the top of my lungs with everyone else in the Kick Butt Coffee space was electric. Felt like I was riding the lightning...and it was great! I can only say if you are a fan of just plain, old fashioned, metal done well, find
Killa MAUL doing a set near you and go. Let out your rage, your frustrations, and breathe a sigh of relief at one of the most energizing local, live sets you will ever experience from a tribute band!
My words, my opinions, and it was my fun and pleasure. Support live and local. Support DaveTV.
The photo album for the event can be found here