The Circuit of the Americas is completely, breathtakingly, awe inspiring Kick Ass! You can not look at it on Google Earth or Google maps and think you can comprehend the size of this facility. Just zoom in on the map and check out that round spot at the track side end of the Grand Plaza. Right there, in curve of Turn 17/18, that is the 12,000 seat Tower Amphitheater! Now zoom out, Yeah, that little dot is the 12,000 seat amphitheater. It takes approx 2 hrs to walk the circumference of the track. This place is huge and more importantly it is gorgeous and fun!
I will not doubt the professionalism and intelligence of Clay Walker or any other artist that has the opportunity to perform here. Even more important, any artist that has the opportunity to perform here after a world spectacle like Formula 1 racing. With a draw of THOUSANDS from all over the world, it would be easy to see a musical act getting lost in the moment and showing off their catalog to a potentially whole new fan base. That is where the professionalism kicks in and pays off... to WOW the crowd!
Clay Walker also played another song that he touted as a new video release for the band, 'Jesse James' and I really like that song. Deep in the Heart of Texas, country music is king. Whether it is your first choice for a night out on the town or otherwise, you have to acknowledge the good time feelings you get when listening to some great music. With much respect earned, I would go see Clay Walker when he comes to Austin next time and be happy to check out a full set of Clay Walker music. Not shy about that at all. Maybe you should too.