Monday, August 9, 2010

So high up, she's out of this world

Yup, I am a little behind, piss off! I can't even say I have been busy, just seems like I have been...editing the crap out of my daughters Rome n Juliet performance from Wimberly's EmilyAnne Theatre. This music blog is a week behind the performance, but again as all of you know...if you weren't at the show then this is to educate you and send you packing to check out something new or different around town...and on that note of being we go!

A Wednesday at The Lucky Lounge ( ), man I love this place, is very cool. And do I mean it! The A.C. is pumping, the staff is serving'em up, and it's chill to hang out. Tonight was very interesting indeed as I had an invite to check out Darwin Prophet. Now my intentions were good to just check out this performance and go home early, HA! It was all good tonight.

Darwin Prophet ( ) is what my blog is all about. The performance, the audience involvement within the performance, and the story that the artist weaves for you with their music. Darwin's performance is so out of this world you won't believe. This is one that when I say you have to see it to believe it, I mean it! Darwin even had her viola accompaniment beamed in to assist her and entertain us as well, with amazing backing vocals and haunting melodies on the viola, she fit the bill wonderfully. Check the Chronicle or Darwins FB page and when you get an opportunity to see something completely different and fun, go!

Like I said in the foreword, I had all intentions of leaving at this point but this next band hoped up onstage and really caught my eye. With three guitars, I really wanted to see this. Second Chance ( ) was the name of the band and they were an amalgam um of two bands put together. The performance was so interesting it ALMOST defies description, but I will do it anyway. The fun of two rhythm guitars and a lead was a sight,  then the swapping vocals from female to male put another dynamic on that was unexpected as well. A little switching from male to female, somebody jumping on the keyboards...there was enough action here to keep the audience entertained and the music mixed to make everyone happy. As I learned after the performance, this was only there second live performance together, hopefully they will have more and you will get a second chance to enjoy.

Mont Lyons came up after this and was best described by a friend as a very modern Simon and Garfunkel. Very mellow but well written and with the electric piano on the stage, decidedly nice as well. I can definitely see these guys doing some early afternoon/early evening shows that would be nice to chill at and start your night right.


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